Alice Kile

Hey! I’m a javascript developer working on free and open source software. I have experience working in teams, designing and developing world-class projects using various modern web technologies.


  • Resizing Filesystems

    As my personal website at grows, I am trying to keep up with the amount of data that is being uploaded by me or the applications that generate the data (TTRSS for example). This is the process I use to resize…

  • Managing multiple ssh identities for git projects

    In this blog post, I want to share a quick tip when it comes to working on multiple projects and shh identities. ssh, github ssh key, ssh keygen, what is ssh,

  • Learning JavaScript shouldn’t be hard

    Learning Javascript in the year 2020 is going to be overwhelming. What you need is a proper guide with the best resources from around the web. This is the guide you are looking for.
